For your trust and peace of mind and to comply with the requirements of Bushfire Attack Level 40 (BAL-40) it is strongly advised that a Unitex Technical Sales Representative quote on all the components required to complete the project to achieve complete conformance. In order to achieve complete conformance to BAL-40, your Unitex Technical Sales Representative will sign off critical installation stages – prior, during and on completion – for the Unitex warranty sign off for BAL-40 accreditation.
We take pride in the quality of our systems, and the accreditations they have achieved. It is with this in mind, and for your protection and protection of your clients, Unitex only allow approved and accredited Unitex Installers to install any Unitex Uni-Base Board System BAL-40 projects. For your safety and protection, this is a strict policy of Unitex. For those interested in becoming an approved Unitex Installer, please refer to our Accredited Contractors information.